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Author: D

Für Dich

Ich kann Dir ein Gedicht schreiben, wenn Du willst. Es ist ganz einfach:

Komm in mein Leben.

Erhelle mich mit Deinem Lächeln.

Lass mich in Deinen Augen versinken. 

Entflamme mich mit Deinen Küssen.

Gib mir Geborgenheit in Deinen Armen.

Stehle mein Herz.


27 Oct 2019


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(zur deutschen Übersetzung)

I love the night. And next to all the bright stars in the sky, especially the moon. I like its light and this balance with darkness. A piece of personal freedom. What I like is this distance and this closeness; this silent, reliable companion in the night. 

And it is the sun that shines through the moon also in the night. Without it and the other suns the night would be black and without space for dreams and fantasies.

It needs both and it is beautiful to have both. Even if they couldn’t be more different, they are an indispensable couple for us.


9 Oct 2019

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