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Author: D


Eyes shut.
Heart skips.
Breath stops.
Touch lips*.

World stands.
Time too.
Skin’s hot.
Feel you.

Closer and wider*.
Softer and tighter.

Freedom and fire.
Passion. Desire.

Eyes shut.
Hearts beat.
Hands touch.
Lips feel*.

Eyes shut.
Doubts gone.
Two hearts
Now one.


08 Oct 2019

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I found a pearl on the Baltic Sea,
Gleaming in late summer sun.
So warm her resplendence, full mystery,
Not showing to everyone.

So how can I care now?
What should I do?
How can I bring out
the best out of you?

Diamonds need treatment,
Gold, silver need form,
Pearls don’t need either,
They shine as they’re grown.

A ring or a necklace?
What fits her the most?
But which side is shown,
And which part gets lost?

Freedom is precious,
not much more to gain.
I never could bind her
to a necklace or chain.

I found a pearl on the Baltic Sea,
Gleaming in late summer sun.
So warm her resplendence, full mystery,
Not showing to everyone.


01 Oct 2019

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